Book Review

Book Review

Suite for Barbara Loden

by on December 13, 2016

Suite for Barbara Loden, by Nathalie Lèger Translated by Natasha Lehrer and Cècile Menon   A little backstory: In 1970, Barbara Loden wrote, produced, directed, and stared in a film called Wanda, which was semi-autobiographical,…

Book Review


by on December 8, 2016

Bruja, by Wendy Ortiz   There is quite the argument going on about the significance of dreams.  Psychological and neurological studies of dreams often lean toward the conclusion that dreams are nothing more than the…

Book Review

Storm Toward Morning

by on December 6, 2016

Storm Toward Morning, by Malachi Black Review by Alana Folsom   There are some poetry books that ask to be read for their emotional impact—for the pure punch to the gut that their lines deliver—and…

Book Review

Lost Privilege Company

by on November 17, 2016

Lost Privilege Company, or the book of listening By The Blunt Research Group   It is not hard to get people to think about their legacies.  For many of us, it is one of the…

Book Review

States of Terror

by on November 15, 2016

States of Terror, Vol. 3 edited by Matt E. Lewis and Keith McCleary   It is incredibly easy to become desensitized to the “horrifying”. Mainstream horror, regardless of the medium, all too often mistakes disgust…

Book Review

Smooth-Talking Dog

by on November 8, 2016

Smooth-Talking Dog by Roberto Castillo Udiarte Translated by Anthony Seidman   The saying “misery loves company” has always irked me for some reason. Perhaps, because the connotation that it often takes is of a miserable…

Book Review

The Orchid Stories

by on November 2, 2016

The Orchid Stories, by Kenward Elmslie   If there is any hope of fully understanding what language and literature are capable of, then nothing can be held as sacred.  Not sacred in the sense of…

Book Review

Defiant Pose

by on October 27, 2016

Defiant Pose, by Stewart Home   Editor’s Note: This review contains NSFW material. Mary Louise Pratt introduced the definition of what she referred to as “contact zones” into the study of the critical theories of…

Book Review

Shelter in Place

by on October 25, 2016

Shelter In Place, by Alexander Maksik   In Alexander Maksik’s Shelter in Place, Joseph March is a recent college graduate with little ambition beyond bartending and having fun with his friends until he falls into…

Book Review


by on October 19, 2016

Reel, by Tobias Carroll   Tobias Carroll’s Reel is a fascinating observation on interconnectedness, cause and effect, and the absurdity of the arbitrary values we imbue upon moments of our lives. This novel shows a…

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